Which of the 8 themes using ICT in Pedagogy do i prefer?

When reading through the 8 themes of using ITC in Pedagogy I decided that the best or most important one to me at this point in time is learning through exploring. This theme interests me the most because the use of ICT in the 21st century is what helps the students adapt and explore. Whether that be through the use of the computers, surfing the web, blogging, finding resources online and sharing with these finding with the teacher and other students.

When students use ICT as a learning tool in the classroom they are inquiring and researching. This can help them identify information and data in order to plan, locate and access and retrieve information to use for they assessments, exams etc. By learning through the exploration of ICT Students  will be better organized and be able to understand more about specific subject areas and keep up with the ever changing technology.

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